Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Affordable Premium Health Booster from WOW: Morin (Moringa) Oil Capsule!

Do you know that the World Vegetable Center identified Moringa leaves as the vegetable with the highest nutritional value among 120 types of food species they studied?  Yes, the Malunggay that grows in backyards, often taken for granted by many, has been said could practically wipe out malnutrition from this planet!

Ancient  medicine claims that moringa can prevent 300 diseases. It is said that it contains lunasin-  anti-cancer and ant-inflammatory; and therefore, regarded has natural antibiotic properties.  Also anecdotal evidences and studies point that it could be a miracle cure for malnutrition.  Undeniably, it is one of the richest sources of essential nutrients often lacking in people's daily diets.

If you want a healthier and affordable solution to your daily nutritional deficiencies, take Morin (Moringa) Oil  Capsule, the premium health booster from WOW World of Wellness Direct Sales - Regular price @ P495 per bottle of 30 capsules !

For your orders, please call:

+639228536093; +632-3451994

or you can book your order online !

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